Thursday, September 23, 2010

Halloween Do's and Don'ts

The American Association of Orthodontists is always a great resource for patients with questions about braces, how to find an orthodontist, etc. Because October is National Orthodontic Health Month, there is some additional information posted, including Halloween Do's and Don'ts. Click on the link to read about what foods are safe to consume while in braces, and which ones are not. There is also information on the site about Halloween Safety.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Continuing Education - Overbite Conditions

On Friday, February 5th, Dr. Crain went to Houston for his annual orthodontic alumni meeting and continuing education. The entire day was devoted to a new type of Class II (overbite) correction device which is easier for patients to wear. He is already using this device in selected cases, and this seminar showed some additional uses.

Dr. Crain considers it his responsibility to attend multiple continuing education courses each year, in order to stay current with the latest orthodontic innovations. This is a way of ensuring that he will always provide his patients with the very highest quality of orthodontic care.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

TCU Basketball

In case you haven't already discovered what great fun you can have at a TCU basketball game, Dr. Crain highly recommends you go see at least one game. There are still several home games left in this season. Even though he's a Texas Longhorn, he's had season tickets off and on for over 15 years now, and enjoys the enthusiasm and great effort by the TCU players. If you saw him there on Saturday night, you'll know he was the one wearing the Texas shirt, surrounded by purple. Hey, he just likes the shirt! Oh, and he highly recommends the popcorn!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Dr. Crain recently attended a 2-day seminar on Invisalign updates. He's happy to report that they are finally starting to make technological improvements to their system, the need for which has prevented Dr. C from enthusiastically recommending this treatment for the past few years. (Dr. C was one of the early users of the Invisalign system, but found most of the results disappointing.) If you have been thinking of Invisalign, call us now to set up an appointment so we can see if you are a good candidate for this treatment.